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BioLS Pharmaceuticals



Biols Pharmaceuticals has been recognized as a company with high ethical standards, being therefore increasingly valued by all stakeholders from shareholders, suppliers, employees and customers where we are present. We are pleased with the permanent recognition by our suppliers of our high ethical and moral standards, which are applied regardless of the market, region or type of client and supplier, and are a standard for all those with whom we have a relationship.

Our main objective of Compliance is to prevent and avoid any violation of the rules, as well as any misconduct that could be negative for the company, suppliers, customers and society in general.

We act every day in a "Compliance" manner, in accordance with the legislation in force, in compliance with the laws and the external and internal regulations of the company and our group.

It is our permanent concern to reconcile actions, conduct and procedures with regulatory, legal, ethical and moral requirements.

In our specific case, it means compliance with national and international laws,

Our daily action is driven by such frankness, total transparency and sustained honesty in close compliance with our code of conduct emanating from internal directives and the Group CEO.

No grupo temos referenciado um Local Compliance Officer, membro da Administração, responsável por desenvolver, implementar e monitorar o sistema de Gestão de Compliance, em total comunhão com departamento jurídico do Grupo. A nossa política de compliance abrange todas as áreas da empresa, desde a área farmacêutica, logísticas, distribuição, financeira,  área comercial entre outras e contribui para a manutenção e cumprimento  das boas práticas organizacionais instituídas, para o efeito contamos com um canal interno e externo, em total anonimato, que garante a comunicação e esclarecimento de ocorrências presentes ou passadas.

All files received and directed to the Local Compliance Officer who, with the support of the legal department, will handle them with the required care and confidentiality. Anonymity is guaranteed if requested.

Biols Pharmaceuticals encourages all stakeholders, to report any issue or any suspicion of misbehaviour. In case of uncertainty about whether a certain behaviour violates the law or if you have any other questions, you should submit your doubts or questions to our compliance department which guarantees full anonymity and confidentiality.

To report an actual or potential breach you may contact, anonymously, by the following means:

Compliance is an important policy for Biols Pharmaceuticals and is transversal to all the companies in the group.

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